Why its okay

to FEEL lost

with life.

I think unconsciously, we all have this pre conceived notion on how life is supposed to happen for us. This linear path that takes us from one point to another. A path where every facet goes according to your plan. But if there’s anything I know about life, is that you can have your plan, but life will ultimately have one of its own.

As I think back in my life I can see a whole assortment of “plans” that didn't happen the way I thought I wanted. Plans that ultimately weren't meant for me, because I didn't really know what I wanted in the first place. A series of going down dead end roads, leading to other dead end roads. Until ultimately coming to the conclusion that I was completely “lost”.

There’s no instruction manual that comes along with this game of life, you kind of just have to learn as you go.  And ultimately that can look a lot like trying out a bunch of things, until you find something that makes you really happy. You dont always meet your perfect partner upon the first time dating. Usually you have some sort of experience with that person. You learn about yourself,  you learn what you like, and most importantly what you dont like. And you use this information to guide you all the way through. This same process very much applies to the entirety of life itself, a microcosm within the macrocosm.

You learn what feels right for you, and unlearn what was never really meant for you in the first place. This process of learning, and unlearning is seemingly never ending, and I think that is the point. I would like to think that even when you “get there”, there will be new heights to climb and plateaus to reach. I think the point is you try your best to enjoy the journey there. Wherever “there” is, maybe there is the present moment?

I feel without asking questions, you cant obtain answers. Problems are the necessary pathways to finding solutions. So if you find yourself lost, then rejoice in the fact that you know something needs to give. And that something can be what allows you to find yourself.

So get lost.